Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Learning New Skills

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone's week is going well. We had quite a busy day in first grade. 

In Religion class, we began studying the Three Days: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. We talked about the events of each day and how each are important. We will continue our discussion tomorrow. 

During Language Arts class, we learned about the silent letter kn and wr. The students did great blending and reading these words. We also practiced reading our sight words. In addition, we located adjectives for what kind in sentences. For writing today, we wrote about bunnies. We wrote about what bunnies can do, what they have, and what they are like. Finally, we worked in literacy centers. 

In Math class today, we learned new subtraction facts: the subtracting a number from 10 facts. We used pennies to help us find these answers. We will continue to practice them tomorrow. 

Just a reminder that we will not have gym class tomorrow. Enjoy the night! 

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