Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Dinosaur Dig!

Happy Wednesday! This week is just flying by like last week. We had another great day in first grade. 

In Religion class today, we talked about what it means when we say that Jesus is the Light of the World. To us, it means that Jesus is there to guide and help us just like light from the sun or from a flashlight helps and guides us. 

During Language Arts class we read Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter. The students loved this story about Barnum Brown. They were so excited to learn about how he found T. Rex bones in Montana. Before reading the story, we practiced and reviewed reading long o: oa, ow words and three letter blend words along with our sight words. 

For an extension activity today, students participated in a simulated dinosaur dig. Each table was given a container filled with sand. In that sand were pieces of a picture of a dinosaur. Using tweezers, students had to find and carefully remove the pieces. Once all the pieces were found, they had to put the pieces together to make the picture. They loved this activity. 

During Math class today, we learned how to count nickels. We learned that to count nickels we count by 5's. Tomorrow we will be counting nickels and pennies. 

For Social Studies class today, we learned three new words: buy, save, and trade. We talked about each one and learned the difference between them. 

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