Friday, March 6, 2015

An Odd Week

This has certainly been an odd week for school. Between delay starts, early dismissals, and closings, it was tough to find time for learning. I am really hoping that the worst is behind us. After all, we spring ahead this weekend. 

We did have an awesome day of learning in first grade. I could tell that the students were eager to get back to school and learn. 

In Language Arts class, we learned about possessives. We learned what they mean and how to read them in a story. We also practiced our sight words. In addition, we practiced finding adjectives in sentences and using adjectives in sentences. Just a reminder that the Spelling test in now on Monday. 

During Math class today, we learned how to tell time to the half hour. We practiced writing time and showing it on clocks. 

For Science class today, we talked about the 5 senses. We worked in centers to explore 4 of the 5 senses. In the sight center, students were shown a plate of 6 objects, given 7 seconds to look at it, and then drew the objects. For the hearing center, students shook eggs filled with objects and guessed what was inside each one. For the touch center, students felt objects in bags and wrote what they thought was in each bag. And for the smell station, students smelled 3 liquids and identified what each one was. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. We switched our focus this week to St. Patrick's Day. We made a rainbow coming out of a pot of gold. They look awesome: 

Have a great weekend. Hopefully, next week will be less disruptive. 

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