Monday, March 23, 2015

First Full Week of Spring!

Happy Monday, and Happy Spring. I think I forgot to mention this last Friday. I am looking forward to warmer days ahead! 

In Religion class today, we continued our talk about Baptism. We talked about why we wear white (to remind us to be a follower of Jesus) and how we receive a candle which means that we are called to share the Light of Christ. It is so exciting each morning to see the students' excitement as we talk about Baptism. 

In Language Arts class today, we began a new story and thus we learned new phonics skills. Today we blended and read long o: oa, ow words. We also talked about the author's purpose for writing a story. Finally, we talked about adjectives for size. 

We finished up our celebration of Dr. Seuss today. We read The Sleep Book. We then wrote about a dream we had and added ourselves sleeping. Here's a picture: 

During Math class, we practiced drawing congruent shapes. First we made a shape on our geoboards, and then drew the shape on dot paper. 

Have a great night!

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