Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Beginning and Ending in Church

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Despite the wind and cooler temperatures, it is so nice to see that sun shining. 

We began our day by attending Eucharistic Adoration. It is always so nice to start our day talking with Jesus. 

In Language Arts class, we again practiced reading words with inflected endings. Today we learned that when a word ends in y we have to change that y to an i before adding an ending. In addition to learning that, we practiced our sight words and practiced identifying adjectives for color and shape in sentences. Finally, we worked in literacy centers. 

During Math class today, we learned to count by 100's. Each table was given a bag of 100 pennies and had to put those pennies into groups of 10. After reviewing counting by 10's to 100's, we practiced counting by 100's. We will continue to practice each day during the Math Meeting. 

We ended our day just where we began it: at church. We attended Stations of the Cross. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Gym day. Book Orders are also due tomorrow. Have a great night. 

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