Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Time for a Fiesta!

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. The excitement was building all day for our fiesta. The students worked really hard all day so that we could party at the end of the day. 

In Religion class, we wrapped up our chapter on how Jesus celebrated God's love and gave us the sacraments. We will next be exploring the sacrament of Baptism. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed our sight words, comparative endings, and -dge words. We also choral read our story. As the students were reading, I listened in awe at how well they read; they are all becoming excellent readers. Next we wrote another detail sentence in our paragraph on why we love recess. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers. 

For gym class today we gave our hearts a workout while doing Rockin' Aerobics. The students loved rocking to music while exercising. By the end of class, they were quite tired. 

In Math class today, we practiced counting by 10 from any number. We learned a counting by 10 rap to help us. We will be saying this rap in class over the next few weeks as we practice counting by 10s. 

During Social Studies class, we learned the difference between wants and needs. Needs are things we must have like food, clothing, and shelter. Wants are things we would like. 

Finally, it was time for a fiesta. We began by breaking a pinata. Everyone had the chance to swing at the pinata. When it did break, sight words fell from it. Everyone received a word. They then had to read it and use it in a sentence. Next, we broke open the confetti eggs. Smiles and laughter could be heard coming from the room. Below is a picture of our pinata and what the floor looked like after breaking all of the eggs. It was quite a celebration! 

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