Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mid-Week Excitement

Happy Wednesday! This week is sure flying by! 

In Religion class today, we talked more about Baptism. We learned that water is an important sign at Baptism. We also talked about how we receive God's grace when we were baptized. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed long e: ea and inflected ending words. We also practiced our sight words before reading the story The Dot. Students loved this story especially since they learned that a dot can be a work of art. 

We did some Dr. Seuss celebrating today. We read The Cat in the Hat and then reviewed the sequence of events in the story by completing a worksheet. 

For gym class today, we reviewed the importance of sharing. Everyone was given a hula hoop. On a cue, students raced around the gym until they heard a stop cue. When they did, they had to find a hoop. Each time we did this, I took a way a hula hoop. Students had to share a hoop until only 2 hoops were left. They really loved this exercise. 

During Math class, we learned some new facts. We learned facts that equal ten. We used pennies to help us solve these problems. 

Finally, we ended our day with Social Studies. We talked about the difference between goods and services. 

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