Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Two in a Row

Today was another wonderful day in first grade. We were busy learning and having fun doing so. 

In Religion class today we looked at each of the seven sacraments. We learned about Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. 

During Language Arts class, we continued to practice reading long a: ai and ay words along with possessives and our sight words. Today we read our story Mama's birthday Present. The students are really enjoying this story and are looking forward to the fiesta tomorrow. In addition to all that, we worked in our literacy centers and wrote the first detail sentence in our paragraph on why we love recess. 

We again read a Dr. Seuss book today. Even though we heard this story last week, we really enjoyed listening to Fox in Socks again today. It is such a tongue twister of a book. After reading, we talked about synonyms. We wrote a pair of synonyms on socks and then decorated them. 

In Math class today, we practiced adding 10 to a number. We began by using our hundred number charts and pennies. For example, we put a penny on number 7, counted 10 from 7 and put a penny on 17. We continued doing this until we reached 97. After a while, we soon learned how to add 10 to a number. 

Just a reminder that gym class is tomorrow. 

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