Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Today was Dr. Seuss' birthday. I love celebrating his life with the students and reading his books. Unfortunately, we were not able to read all of the books that I had wanted to today; my hope is to share his stories with the students throughout the month of March. 

In Religion class today we talked about how Jesus celebrated God's love by praying with others. We recited a psalm that Jesus would have prayed with his family and friends. 

In Math class today we read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Each student was then given a cup of colored goldfish crackers. Students graphed the crackers and analyzed their data. We then figured out which color we had the most of. Yellow won by a landslide. Here is a picture of one graph: 

This afternoon we attended a presentation by author Paul Orshoski. He read several poems that he had written and encouraged the students to write about what they know. Thank you to the Home and School Association for bringing him to Holy Name. 

After the presentation, we read There's a Wocket in My Pocket. The students loved all of the silly names in this book. Afterwards, students had a chance to design their own wockets in pockets. 

Here is a picture of the Cat in the Hats we made last Friday: 

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