Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Today was such a fun day in first grade. It was a day where we took a break from the day-to-day learning and had some Halloween fun! 

We began our day by practicing for the All Saints' Day prayer service with our eighth grade friends. The students are quite excited for tomorrow. They can't wait for everyone to see them as their saint. 

The rest of the morning was dedicated to Halloween fun. We finished Halloween patterns. We labeled the parts of the pumpkin and read about spiders. We listened to the story The Ghost's Dinner, a funny story about how the ghosts changed colors based on what they ate. After reading the story we wrote about what our ghost ate and what color it turned. We added a colorful ghost t our writing. This was such a fun project; I wish I would have remembered to take pictures. 

After lunch, we got dressed in our Halloween costumes. We paraded outside for everyone to see us. Then it was time to party. We played BINGO, danced to Halloween songs, played basketball, and participated in spider relay races. Thank you to all of the parents who helped make our party so much fun! 

Our prayer service is at 1:15 tomorrow. We hope to see you there! 

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