Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Red Ribbon Week!

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! With all of my excitement of returning yesterday, I forgot to mention that this is Red Ribbon Week. Yesterday the students got their red ribbons and we talked about making healthy choices and staying away from drugs. We colored a suitcase to remind us to always travel drug free. I have the suitcases displayed in the classroom and will be sending them home next week. 

Today the students wore a hat celebrating being drug free. Tomorrow is neon day because we are too bright for drugs! 

In Religion class today we continued our talk about how Jesus helped all people. We read the story of Jesus helping the blind man see again. 

We began Language Arts class by reviewing our oral vocabulary words from yesterday and learning three new words today (collapsed, furious, and refused). From that we worked on making predictions as we read "The Three Little Pigs". After that we used our letter tiles to spell and read short u words. Next, we learned about contractions for the word is. We practiced writing contractions and using those contractions in sentences. Then we practiced using our sight words in sentences. We ended the morning by learning the difference between singular and plural nouns and how to spell plurals when a word ends in s or x. 

This afternoon we reread Cubs in a Hut and identified the characters, setting, and events in the story. We ended our day by reading our decodable reader and answering questions about the story. 

In Math class today we wrote subtraction sentences to solve a problem. We worked at identifying the whole and part given and then subtracting to find the other part. 

Have a great night! 

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