Thursday, March 2, 2017

Learning, Smiling, and Sweating!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! Today was a busy, exciting, tiring day in first grade. 

In Religion class we continued our discussion on Lent. Today we focused on the different things we can do during this season. We talked about praying; we said we could pray the rosary or an extra Our Father. We talked about some of the things we gave up for Lent. Finally, we talked about helping the people in Haiti by participating in our Penny Challenge. Our goal is to grow closer to God during Lent. 

As always Language Arts was full of learning today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words, practiced spelling long i words using our letter tiles, practiced spelling words with inflected endings. Next we talked about headings and how headings help tell us what we will be reading about. Then we partner read Hi! Fly Guy and read a short piece on insects. 

Then it was time to celebrate Dr. Seuss. Today we wrote about what we would do if Thing 1 and Thing 2 came to our house. Our big celebration of Dr. Seuss will be tomorrow. 

We totally loved Gym class today. The other first grade joined us, and we played a round of kickball and two rounds of Four Corners. We were smiling and sweating at the end of class. 

In Math class today we practiced ordering numbers. All the students received a number card. We then had to put ourselves in order from least to greatest. We enjoyed doing it. 

Finally, it was time for Social Studies. Today we talked about our country's neighbors. We learned that Canada is our neighbor to the north and that Mexico is our neighbor to the south. 

Tomorrow will be one exciting day in first grade! 

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