Monday, March 6, 2017

The First Full Week of March!

Greetings! Welcome to the first full week of March in First Grade! This month is going to be full of learning and fun. We are full steam ahead until Easter! 

In Religion class today we explored the Stations of the Cross. Each student was given a coloring booklet of the Stations. Together we talked about each Station and then the students colored their books. Tomorrow we will be praying the Stations of the Cross with the whole school. 

With a new week upon us, we began a new week of learning in first grade. Today we learned five oral vocabulary words, six sight words, and two vocabulary words. In addition we practiced blending and reading long e words spelled ey and y. We put our new phonics skills to the test as we read and talked about From Puppy to Guide Dog. We ended our morning by working in our literacy centers. This after we talked about adverbs that tell when; we got pretty good at finding them in sentences. 

In Math class today we learned new addition facts: the sum of ten facts. To help us solve these problems we used pennies. We put some pennies on the left side of a paper and the rest on the right. From there we wrote our number sentence. After writing all of the number sentences it was time to complete our own fact cards. We will be practicing these facts over the next few weeks. 

As promised, here is a picture of the pot of golds we made on Friday:

Tomorrow is going to be an action packed day in first grade! 

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