Thursday, March 16, 2017

Winter Has Returned!

Greetings! Welcome back! It was so nice to get back to school today. It is just hard to believe that winter has returned after the beautiful February we had. The good news is that spring begins next week! 

We wrapped up our study of Baptism today. We reviewed what happens during a Baptism by illustrating a picture. We then had our show and tell. I loved seeing all of the artifacts and pictures. Thank you for taking the time to compile everything and send it in. The students enjoyed seeing everyone's show and tell. 

Language Arts class was full of learning today. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words by answering questions using the words. We also reviewed r-controlled ar words by using our letter tiles to spell words. Next we learned irregular plurals. Half of the students were given a singular noun; the other half was given a plural noun. The students then had to find their partner. After that we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. Then it was onto reading. We reread A Barn Full of Hats and worked on identifying the points of view of different characters; we also read our decodable reader. We finished class by reviewing how to join sentences together. 

Gym class was exciting today. The students had free choice today. They could play basketball, hula hoop, or jump rope. It was neat watching them exercise and chat with their friends at the same time. They really enjoyed it. 

In Math class today we learned how to count nickels. We didn't have problems counting them. On Monday we will learn how to count nickels and pennies together. 

Finally, it was time for Social Studies. We began by wrapping up our unit on geography. Next, we switched gears to economics. Today we learned the difference between needs and wants. We sorted pictures based on whether they are a need or a want. 

Tomorrow is going to be another busy day full of surprises. 

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