Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A Fun Day!

 Greetings! Wow, was today a great day! I loved seeing the children's excitement all day. I am so proud of how well they completed everything independently. They are such fantastic listeners! 

In Religion class today we focused on the events of Holy Thursday. We talked about how Jesus washed his disciples feet and shared a meal of bread and wine with his friends. We focused on the washing of feet today. We talked about how that was Jesus' call to us to serve others; we then named ways we can serve others. To help us remember this event, we created a paper plate scene of washing feet. 

In Language Arts, we practiced reading words with the diphthongs oi and oy. We read words and matched pictures to the words. Then, we worked on prepositions. We glued pictures based on what a sentence told us; then we identified the preposition in the sentence. Following that, we wrote about bunnies. We wrote about what they have, can do, and are. We added a craft to our writing. 

We ended our morning with Science. Today we became our chapter on motion. We talked about how we can push or pull objects to move them. I hope everyone had fun building their mazes. 

This afternoon in Math, we practiced solving word problems. We are working on figuring out whether to add or subtract. We will practice more tomorrow. 

Have a great night! 

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