Thursday, March 25, 2021

Enthusiasm in Math!

 Greetings! Happy Thursday! Wow, was it nice outside today! It was hard to come in from recess and even harder from gym class. I hope everyone was able to get outside after school and enjoy the sunshine! 

In Religion class today, we wrapped up our chapter on Jesus being the Light of the World. We reviewed how we can be light for others and how we are called to be peacemakers. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed our oral vocabulary words, read words with the diphthongs ou and ow, read words with the inflectional endings -er and -est, and reviewed our sight words. We spent time working on our fluency today by partner reading both a story in our decodable reader and our story from yesterday. We also worked on our comprehension as we read a nonfiction piece about sound and completed pages in our close reading companion. Finally, we practiced using a, an, this, and that in sentences. 

In Math class today, we learned how to add three one-digit numbers. We learned to do this by using our linking cubes, drawing a picture, or adding two numbers and then the third. The students just loved doing this and kept asking for more problems. I just loved their enthusiasm today. 

In Social Studies today we learned the difference between goods (things we buy) and services (things we do). We sorted pictures based on whether they were a good or service. 

We had a special Science class today since we are leaving early tomorrow. Today we reviewed what we learned about sound, light, and heat. 

Finally, it was time for Gym. We so enjoyed playing outside. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is an early dismissal day. We will be leaving at noon. Have a great night! 

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