Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A Virtual Day!

 Greetings! I hope everyone had a nice day! I know we had a great day today with our virtual learning. Thanks again for all that you did to make this happen. 

In Religion class we talked about how water is an important part of Baptism. We also talked about how we receive God's grace when we are baptized. 

Language Arts was quite busy this morning. We answered questions using our oral vocabulary words. We sorted words based on whether or not we heard the /ar/ sound. We then used our letter tiles to spell and read r-controlled -ar words. After that we talked about irregular plurals like men and fish. Following that we practiced using our sight words and vocabulary words in sentences. We ended our morning focusing on fluency and comprehension. This week we are focusing on point of view, how a character feels in a story. After reading both our story from yesterday and our decodable reader, we wrote about the different character's points of view. 

In Math class today we did some reviewing. We reviewed the numbers to 40, place value, greater and less than, and patterns. We are ready for our test tomorrow! 

Don't forget tomorrow is a jean day with a college t-shirt, sweatshirt, or hoodie! 

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