Monday, March 15, 2021

Marvelous Monday!

 Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend! 

In Religion class today we worked on another Lenten journal page. Today we talked about what it means to thank God. We talked about things in school and at home we are thankful for. We then were reminded to always stop and thank God for all that we have. 

We began Language Arts by reading with our small groups. We then jumped into another week of learning; this week we will be reading about inventions. We learned five new oral vocabulary words (curious, improve, complicated, device, imagine). We then worked on asking and answering questions as we read about inventions. From there we learned how to blend and read r-controlled -or, -ore, and -oar words. Following that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. We ended the morning by putting our new skills to work. We read a biography about a robot inventor titled The Story of a Robot Inventor. As I told the students, please do not get hung up on his name. 

This afternoon we talked about adjectives that compare. We learned to add -er to an adjective when we compare two things and add -est to an adjective when we compare three or more things. We also wrote about what we would see if we went to the moon. 

In Math class today we practiced adding with and without regrouping. They are doing so well with this. Tomorrow we will begin subtraction. 

Have a great night! 

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