Monday, March 29, 2021

The Start of Holy Week!

 Greetings! This is Holy Week, a week where we remember what Jesus did for us so long ago. As we move throughout the week, let us remember Jesus' great love for us, spend a few extra minutes in prayer, and continue to do good for others.

In Religion class today, we prayed the Stations of the Cross. We watched as Fr. Brian led us around the Stations he taped last year and prayed along with him. 

We began Language Arts by reading in our small groups. We then began a new week of learning; this week will focus on how we build buildings and other structures. We learned five new oral vocabulary words (structure, contended, intend, marvelous, and project). We then worked on asking and answering questions as we read a folktale; I loved how they paid attention and knew what to expect when a wolf appeared. From there we learned how to blend and read words with the diphthongs oi and oy. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. Finally, we put our new skills to work as we read a nonfiction piece about shipbuilding called The Joy of a Ship

This after we learned about prepositions. We read a story and identified all of the prepositions in it. After that we wrote sentences using common prepositional phrases. Then, we switched our focus to writing. Today, the students were given a peep. They wrote a paragraph about what they did with their peep. 

In Math class, we continued to practice adding three one-digit numbers. They are quite good at this. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a virtual day. See you online! 

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