Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Creepy Learning!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their week and the beautiful weather. We had a tough time coming inside from recess today. On my way home the sun was shining through a stretch of trees. It was just so beautiful. 

Also, on my way home, I pass a Brethren church. They always have neat signs. Today there was a question. I'll answer the question at the end of this post. How does Moses make tea? 

In Religion class today we talked about how everyone is our neighbor. We read the story of the Good Samaritan and then acted it out. We talked about how Jesus told this story to show that everyone is our neighbor.  

We began Language Arts by reading Creepy Carrots. After that we illustrated and wrote about what we would do if creepy carrots followed us. Here is what they did: 

 We then jumped back into our week of learning by reviewing our oral vocabulary words we learned yesterday and then learned three new words (connections, enjoy, and rely). After that we worked on rereading for understanding as we read about a man and his biblioburro, a library carried by donkeys. Following that we used our letter tiles to spell and read words with the digraphs sh, th, and ng. After that we learned how to read closed syllable words like rabbit and picnic. We ended class by using our sight words in sentences. 

Before lunch, we had some pumpkin from. Today we talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin. We read a story to help illustrate how a pumpkin goes from a seed to and orange pumpkin. We created a life cycle pumpkin wheel to help us remember the stages. 

Before Math class today we headed over to church to practice for the All Saints' Day prayer service. The students are getting excited about it. 

We ended our day with Math class. Today we learned how to solve a number sentence when a part is missing. 

Just a reminder that Gym is tomorrow. Wear your sneakers to school. Also, please send in all Halloween treats. They will be bagged tomorrow. 

Here's the answer to my riddle: Hebrews it! 

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