Thursday, October 17, 2019

Jesus, Our Healer!

Greetings on this windy fall day. It seems that the fall weather is upon on. The students don't seem to mind. They love staying inside for recess. 

Today in Religion class, our lesson focused around Jesus, Our Healer. We talked about how Jesus helped and healed people long ago; we made a story board showing this. We also discussed how Jesus still heals today. We made a poster to remember this. Here are some of them: 

We ended class by praying the fourth and fifth decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries. 

Language Arts class was busy as usual. We reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We also used our sound boxes to segment words into sounds. After that we read short u words and practiced spelling contractions for is. In addition, we practiced reading our sight words. Following that we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklet. We also read a funny story called The Pigs, the Wolf, and the Mud. This afternoon we completed pages in our close reading companion to help build our comprehension skills. 

In Math class today we wrote subtraction sentences for pictures. I drew a picture on the board; the students looked at this picture and wrote a subtraction sentence for it. They did quite well with this. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. Today we talked about why people move to a new country. 

Tomorrow will be a busy Friday. We have Mass, a guest reader, Library, Art, and a whole lot of learning to do! Get some sleep! 

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