Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Warm Wednesday!

Greetings on this warm Wednesday. I am hoping that this hot weather takes a little vacation. We will enjoy some cooler, more seasonable temperatures. 

In Religion class today we read the Christmas story. Our Religion curriculum begins the year by learning about Jesus from his birth to his public ministry to his death. Today we learned that Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem. 

As usual, Language Arts was busy. We reviewed our oral vocabulary. We also practiced reading r-blend and s-blend words along with possessive phrases. Following that we practiced reading our sight words. We then switched gears and partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets. We ended the morning by reading and discussing Move It, a nonfiction story about how we use different parts of our bodies to move. 

This afternoon in Language Arts we completed pages in our close reading companion to help build our comprehension skills. We also wrote sentences correctly remembering to start them with a capital letter and to put a punctuation mark at the end. 

For Gym today, it was time spent on the playground. I enjoyed watching the students play and interact with each other. They had smiles on their faces and sweat pouring down. 

In Math today we practiced solving real world problems. I wrote problems and the students solved them using various methods. I loved seeing all of the different methods they used. No matter how they solved the problem, they all got the same answer. 

Have a great night! 

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