Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fire Safety Week!

Greetings on this gorgeous fall day. It just can't get any more beautiful outside. It is on a day like this that I really stop and thank God for all of his creation. 

In Religion class today we read the story of Zaccheaus. We talked about how Jesus loved all people no matter what. We also talked about how we need to respect all people just like Jesus did. We ended class by praying the fourth decade of the Luminous Mysteries. 

Language Arts was quite productive today. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Next we wrote and read short e words and words with the inflectional ending -ed. Following that we reviewed our sight words. Then we partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets and the story from yesterday. After that we read a nonfiction piece about firefighters and completed pages in our close reading companion. Finally, we practiced finding nouns in sentences. 

With this being fire safety week, we spent time today reviewing fire safety rules. We talked about calling 911 in an emergency, not hiding from firefighters, staying low, getting out and staying out, and finding our meeting place. Here are pictures from the craft projects we did this week: 

In Math class today we practiced crossing out to find the answer in a subtraction problem. The students drew a picture and crossed out to find how much less than a number it is. We also worked on writing subtraction sentences. 

In Social Studies today we talked about Christopher Columbus. We created a small booklet to honor him. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Faith Family Mass. The students can wear their red "Christ is RICH in Me" shirts to school. 

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